Perspective exists to deliver long-term value for its investors. We are a firm of entrepreneurs, who invest like-minded entrepreneurial investors' savings in businesses that are owned and led by entrepreneurial people and leaders.
The value extends to much more than investment returns. Our investors are not just numbered clients on statements; they are valued and respected key long-term stakeholders in our business, who see and clearly understand what we do and why we do it.
We do exactly as we say; we stay focused on what matters most; and we communicate in a succinct, straightforward manner without frills or technical industry jargon. We engage with our investors as we would want to be engaged if our roles were reversed.
The pursuit, curation and preservation of knowledge and the efficient transfer thereof over multiple investor generations is at the very core of our design and purpose. There is no point in studying and experiencing the past and the present only to forget the lessons learnt.
Perspective is structured to remain independently controlled and led by the people who work here and to attract and retain top quality team members for the rest of their lives. Our investors value this intention and consistency.
Over 29 years we built a treasured global network of relationships. This diverse network serves our investors well and we are constantly working to further deepen and grow it. Every new relationship and investor adds their own knowledge and perspectives into the mix. As our investor network expands further it becomes ever more valuable.
We chose to build our business in South Africa. Our beautiful country needs many things, but perhaps most of all it needs sustainable jobs, a renewed culture of accountability, the preservation and sharing of knowledge and the backbone and courage to set the highest standards and to consistently do the right thing. We want to contribute meaningfully in this regard.
Breathing life into Perspective in a highly regulated, complex and competitive industry in South Africa has not been easy, simple or quick. We could not sustain this without the committed support of every one of our investors, team members, families and all our many other stakeholders.
We will never forget this. Thank you so much.
Our work continues...